lunedì 27 giugno 2016


Poggio 1  --  Voce 1:                                                          Hill 1 - Voice 1 

“OH LEGA-RINO NO-STRO                                           “You… Tie-up Man…
LEGA  BENE..…                                                                 tie’m  very Well ”…

 Poggio 1  -  Voce 2                                                             Hill 1 - Voice 2 

“”PERCHE’ TU NON LO SAI                                            “ As… if you don’t 
  QUEL CHE… N’ ARVIENE!...                                              You will end down to Hell !..

     (Con una piu’ elevate tonalita’ e enfasi…)             (In a Higher Tonality and Emphasis…)

     Poggio 2  --  Voce 3:                                                        Hill 2 - Voice 3 

     “OH LEGA-RINO VO-STRO                                               ““You… Tie-up Man…
     LEGA  BENE..…                                                                      tie’m  the Proper Way… ”

Poggio 2  -  Voce 4                                                               Hill 1 - Voice 2 

 “”PERCHE’ TU  BEN  LO SAI                                            “ Or else the Crop                    
QUEL CHE… N’ ARVIENE!...                                          will surely go… astray!..
NOTE   /   NOTES….   (di /  by:  Ezio Morelli)
Voi avrete certamente notato come, nella Seconda Parte del Canto, alcune Posizioni vengano
addirittura deliberatamente rovesciate… e cosi’ quello che prima era il Legarino NOSTRO, adesso
diviene invece quello VOSTRO…. E se prima il legarino NON SAPEVA quali erano le Conseguenze
di un Lavoro non fatto bene… Adesso qui invece… lui BEN LO SA… “…quel che n’ arviene!...”
Alle volte, come in questo caso… il Canto assumeva la vera e propria forma dell’ Invito e della
Raccomandazione a far bene il proprio Lavoro… perche’ altrimenti ne avrebbe risentito non solo il
lavoro degli altri… ma anche lo stesso intero Raccolto…
E’ questo il Classico esempio degli Inviti e delle Raccomandazioni rivolte al LEGARINO, cioe’ alla
Persona addetta a legare le singole GREGNE del Grano, che italianamente sarebbero i Covoni.
C’ e’ da dire qui che prima dell’ Avvento delle Mietitrici meccaniche (che utilizzavano del robusto
Spago di tipo Agricolo per legare i singoli Covoni), questi venivano legati con degli appositi BALZI
che erano realizzati intrecciando due piccole MANELLE di grano appena mietuto.
La preparazione materiale del Balzo, dove poi si posavano le Manelle del Grano, man mano che
queste venivano Metute e fino a formare la GREGNA… era una operazione veloce si’, ma che
richiedeva molta attenzione e maestria.…
Ma anche la legatura della Gregna, una volta formata e della giusta consistenza… era una
Operazione molto delicata che richiedeva tanta Maestria… come anche molta, molta Prudenza,
nell’ eseguire questo importante lavoro…
E cio’ perche’ il Balzo era particolarmente soggetto a rompersi… sia durante le fasi della
lavorazione, come anche successivamente in sede di carico del gran a bordo di un BIROCCIO, cioe’ di
una Carro Agricolo appositamente attrezzato…
Ma il Problema persisteva anche durante le successive operazioni del trasporto sull Aia e della
formazione del BARCONE (cioe’ la grande Catasta del Grano sull’ Aia), che pure richiedeva tanta
attenzione e maestria, per proteggere soprattutto il grano in caso di Pioggia…
Nel caso di rottura del Balzo nelle prime fasi, il Legarino provvedeva direttamente alla sua
sostituzione in genere senza significativa perdita del raccolto. Ma quando la cosa succedeva
successivamente, allora il grano mietuto si sparpagliava tutto ed era praticamente impossibile
recuperarlo tutto… e con le SPIGHE tutte orientate nella stessa, identica direzione per favorirne una
piu’ corretta ed efficace trebbiatura..
Da qui le forti e pressanti Raccomandazioni che venivano fatte al Povero LEGARINO, che in genere
era non solo il Padrone del Campo, ma anche il Capo-Ciurma dei Metitori stessi.
Da qui le forti e pressanti Raccomandazioni che venivano fatte al Povero LEGARINO, che in genere
era non solo il Padrone del Campo, ma anche il Capo-Ciurma dei Metitori stessi.
You’ll have certainly noted that, in the Second Part of the Song, some Positions have been deliberately
inverted… to add up to a certain and more powerful Comic Effect, …
And so the Former LEGARINO NOSTRO (OUR Tie-up Man)… now deliberately becomes the
LEGARINO VOSTRO (YOUR Tie-up Man)… And if before the former LEGARINO WAS NOT AWARE
of the Consequences of an unproper Work… here in the Second Part of the Song he is absolutely
WELL AWARE of the said Consequences.
Sometimes, as in this Case, the Song would assume the True form of an Invitation or even better a
Strong Recommendation to properly do one’s Work, as otherwise the Consequences would affect not
only the Other People’s Work, but even the selfsame Crop altogether.
This is the Classical Example of the Invitations / Recommendations addressed to the LEGARINO, that
is to the Tie-up Man… the Person in Charge of tying up the various GREGNE, that is the Crop’s
Bundles, that in the Standard Italian Language are referred to as the Grain COVONI (Bundles).
Will you please note that before the Mechanical Harvesters (Mietitrici Meccaniche) came into use,
with the adoption of Heavy Duty Agricoltural Strings to tie up the individual Bundles, these were tied
up by means of special Grain Strings named “BALZI”. They were obtained by twisting together two
small handful of Harvested Grain, that were referred to as “MANELLE”. 
You’ll have certainly noted that, in the Second Part of the Song, some Positions have been deliberately
inverted… to add up to a certain and more powerful Comic Effect, …
And so the Former LEGARINO NOSTRO (OUR Tie-up Man)… now deliberately becomes the
LEGARINO VOSTRO (YOUR Tie-up Man)… And if before the former LEGARINO WAS NOT AWARE
of the Consequences of an unproper Work… here in the Second Part of the Song he is absolutely
WELL AWARE of the said Consequences.
Sometimes, as in this Case, the Song would assume the True form of an Invitation or even better a
Strong Recommendation to properly do one’s Work, as otherwise the Consequences would affect not
only the Other People’s Work, but even the selfsame Crop altogether.
This is the Classical Example of the Invitations / Recommendations addressed to the LEGARINO, that
is to the Tie-up Man… the Person in Charge of tying up the various GREGNE, that is the Crop’s
Bundles, that in the Standard Italian Language are referred to as the Grain COVONI (Bundles).
Will you please note that before the Mechanical Harvesters (Mietitrici Meccaniche) came into use,
with the adoption of Heavy Duty Agricoltural Strings to tie up the individual Bundles, these were tied
up by means of special Grain Strings named “BALZI”. They were obtained by twisting together two
small handful of Harvested Grain, that were referred to as “MANELLE”.
The actual material preparation of the BALZO’s where he harvested Grain would be laid , up to
reaching the standard Size of a GREGNA… was actually a quite speedy Operation… which however
required a good degree of Attention and Craftsmanship.
But also the Tyin-up Operation of a GREGNA, once it had reached a standard Size, was a quite
delicate Operation which required a good degree of know how and also a special attention.
And that because the BALZO’s could quite easily break up… and that not only in the actual Tyin-up
Operation, but even afterwards, as the GREGNE were loaded aboard a BIROCCIO, that is a special
Agricoltural Cart or Trailer.
But the Risk of a BALZO’s Breakdown would persist even in the subsequent Operation as the Grain
was taken to the AIA (Agricoltural Yard) where the BARCONE was erected . This is a huge heap of
GREGNE that also requested a special attention to prevent the grain to get wet in case of rain, and
that pending the Treshing Operation ( la TREBBIATURA).
In the case of a BALZO’s Breakdown in the actual Tying- u Operation, this was no major Problem, as
the LEGARINO could quickly replace a Second Balzo and that with no waste of time, nor a significant
waste of Crop.
But when the Breakdown would happen subsequently, then the whole Bundle of Grain would go
astray and it were practically impossible to recollect it in the proper way and with the SPIGHE (the
Grain Heads) all oriented in the same direction, to favor a correct and complete Threshing.
From all the above, you can thoroughly understand the quite strong Recommendations that were made
onto the POOR LEGARINO… who normally was the Landlord, the Field’s Owner but also the Chief
of the Harvesting Crew…

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